Saturday 01.31.15
This party created by Joey Labeija has been around for a few months now at the Camero Gallery. We haven’t been able to attend, but we heard great things about it so far. A few of the things we heard: “It hit capacity within less than an hour of opening its doors,” we also heard, “honey it gets turnt,” “it’s Aaaeverything!” Sometimes rumors are true, sometimes they’re bullshit, but there’s only one way to find out. Go and experience it for yourself. It sounds like it could get Beyonce (I’m using “Beyonce” as an adjective, specifically referencing that interview where Barbara Walters said to her “You are Beyonce,” and she responded with a smile and “Thank You”, it’s a compliment). Music for the night is by Michael Magnan, Ni** SKY, Riobamba, BBYMUTHA (NYC debut) and Joey himself. I mean with these bitches how could it not be legendary?