Adrian De Berardinis
The Bear-Naked Chef
Adrian De Berardinis' New Youtube Cooking Show
If you are headed home for the holidays and really want to impress your Mom with your new found love for cooking classic Italian dishes, look no further! She’ll be so happy you’ve introduced her to Adrian De Berardinis’ new Youtube show, The Bear-Naked Chef. He’s hunky, topless, and talented! Just make sure you tell her you really are interested in his cooking, and not just his ass which makes an on-screen cameos every time he turns to check the chicken.
Premiering just yesterday, De Berardinis’ show is “a new and innovative cooking web-series that features Adrian De Berardinis cooking good food, naked….why not?” Why not is right. “Recipes include a range of easy-to-cook, accessible food from Italy and beyond,” and for Episode 1 he prepares a Chicken Cacciatore that looks just as good as his chest. (I swear I was interested in the food too, but I am a millennial and easily distracted.)
He told Towleroad “I’m at a juncture in my life where I am fearless about most everything. I am comfortable in my skin and it took me a long time to arrive at this place. My experience has brought me to this point of wanting to share who I am with the world, ‘exposed and un-cut’ as well as my cooking. I have a voice that wants to be heard. My cooking is my art, and I want to share it in my own way, in my own language. Why naked? Cooking naked sets me free. When I cook I’m in my most primal state of mind so it made total sense to execute it in the buff.”
Consider this an early Christmas gift. Enjoy!