GAYLETTER’s Pride Guide 2016
Pride, hunty! So many boys to meet, so many parties to see!
Like everything else in New York, Pride week is packed. This year it is really important to remember that NYC Pride is a direct result of the Stonewall Inn riots of 1969. Following the Pulse Nightclub shooting, many of us LGBTQIA New Yorkers gathered there on Christopher Street to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters lost in Orlando. It was powerful and a simple reminder to the world that the LGBTQIA community is here to stay, and that we are larger and stronger than ever.
As you will see below, nearly all of the Pride events detailed have some part, if not all of their proceeds going to the victims in Orlando. If there is one thing the community knows how to do, it’s party and provide unwavering support. After every one in the world has tried to kick us down, we have gotten right back up, which is exactly what we’ll be doing this week.
NYC Pride is another testament to why our community is the one of (if not THE most) most creative, resourceful, understanding and powerful communities in the world. There is so much shit to do this week and I think if this was a perfect world, each of us would be doing our best to get to every event to show our love and dance the night away. Perhaps the best advice the world could learn from the LGBQTIA community comes from Mama Ru… if you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Let’s spread the love this week. Enjoy.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all out there. (ESPECIALLY AT OUR PRIDE BALL AT THE WYTHE HOTEL).
STRUT! Pride Edition
I suppose Strut! comes back once a year? No shade, this party has been around forever. Can someone confirm how long? It might be actually be legendary. Regardless of its label or not, Strut! Pride Edition sounds way fun and it’s at Acme where the martinis are made correct, so why not start the long-winded (albeit necessary!) pride week right with this party and a bitter olive? Fierce-ass Leo Gugu is hosting, along with Sam Jones, Pebbles Russell, Levi Zolman & more. There is a suggested donation at the door, with 100% of those proceeds going to the victims of Pulse night club, and the official after party is Justin Vivian Bond’s “Songs of Dendrophile” over at the Public Theatre. What a posh start to pride!
Suggested donation, 9PM-4AM, Acme, 9 Great Jones St. NY, NY.
Songs of Dendrophile, Justin Vivian Bond
“In “Songs of a Dendrophile” Justin Vivian Bond celebrates both the Summer Solstice and the fifth anniversary of their first solo album “Dendrophile” which was released in the spring of 2011. Join V, musical director Thomas Bartlett, and band for an evening of original songs, along with some carefully chosen covers celebrating the promise of the lushly erotic heat of the upcoming summer season.” Hot off their return of “Kiki & Herb: Seeking Asylum” and continuing V’s retrospective season at the Public Theatre, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond will not disappoint. GAYLETTER is a big fan, heck, I think most of New York is. If you haven’t seen one of V’s shows, we highly recommend. V’s legendary and this is the official after party for Strut: Pride Edition! Traipsing across Lafayette has never been so worth it.
$25, 6/21 & 6/23, The Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St. NY, NY.
837 Pride Panel with Whoopi Goldberg
We are so fucking proud of our daddy Tom Jackson for getting his ass on this panel with motherfucking Whoopi Goldberg. Along with Sally Kohn from CNN, Stacy Lentz, Co-Owner of The Stonewall Inn and country singer Shelby Lynn, come over to Samsung’s 837 for a panel that will probably blow your mind. I mean, Tom is very smart and has a lot of opinions, so Whoopi has another thing coming if she thinks she is going to get the final say on everything like she does on The View. “The discussion will weigh in on the impact of the Orlando shooting, moving forward from the tragedy and building a strong community.” Who doesn’t love a panel during Wednesday lunch? Intelligence is so sexy! Make sure to RSVP. Yassss, wear your GAYLETTER t-shirt if you own one!
FREE, 12PM, Samsung 837, 837 Washington S. NY, NY.
Good Room presents: Throb – A benefit for our brothers and sisters at Pulse
I will say, the LGBTQIA+ community has really proved themselves stronger and larger than ever following the massacre that took place at Pulse just over a week ago. We continue to band together as a community to fight hate and make sure each and every one of us remembers that we are here for each other; bound together in our love for nightlife, the well being of one another and universal happiness. I can get deep. “Dancing is a thing we do to let go and be ourselves in a safe environment. We were so sad to hear about our LGBT brothers and sisters who were shot at Pulse in Orlando last week for doing just that.” GAYLETTER is hosting a killer night at Good Room along with some friends like The Spectrum, Sussi Suss, Harry Charlesworth, Melissa Burns & Gio Rgi Mjavanadze. With a suggested $10 donation, 100% of the proceeds are going to the Pulse victim’s families. Featuring sets from Michael Magnan, Volvox, and Butched in the Good Room, there’s even more music therapy happening in the Bad Room. Come hang and show your love. There’s never been a better time.
$10 suggested donation, Good Room, 98 Meserole Ave. BK, NY.
Work on Wednesday? NO WORRIES! The guys behind Daybreaker have got us covered. Their infectiously positive vibe has hit New York for Pride and it’s called GAYBREAKER. Their ethos is simple: be healthy, be happy and be whoever the fuck you want to be. Their morning fitness party is split into three parts: Yoga to begin followed by a dance party and a special performance encore. DJ Sigala will be on the decks and the team has promised to make Space Ibiza NY as gay as possible (i.e. glitter and rainbows everywhere, baby) They have also dedicated this event to the victims of Orlando and have pledged a percentage of the proceeds to Equality Florida. So its for a good cause, healthy and you get free breakfast treats…its everything hump day should be.
$20+, 6-9AM, Space Ibiza NY, 637 W 50th St. NY, NY.
High & Tight at EasternBloc Pride PrEP Party
Wow, last time I was at EasternBloc it was after RuPaul’s Drag Race Finale and, like, I was way too drunk for it to be Monday. KimChi lost so we were out carrying. Me? Carried too hard… I should return to show the bartender that I am boy of some class and High & Tight might be the night to do it. Pay $5 and get rid of your clothes. Easy! This party is a “clothing-non-compulsory night of manual exploration” that premiered back in March. High & Tight is still more or less new at EasternBloc, and this time they’ve made it more inclusionary by adding a PrEP theme. I guess that will mean whatever you need it to mean. Music by DJ William Francis & DJ Tyler Stone and hosted by your regulars Forrest Wu & William Ramseur. “Here’s the absolutely least official NYC Pride party out there. The godforsaken trade bacchanale of your fever dreams.” Come horny, leave horny, yah?
$5, 11PM-5AM, EasternBloc, 505 E. 6th St. NY, NY.
Straight Acting: #GayActing
A few weeks ago Abi & I were having lunch and watching Snapchat stories like it was television. I mean, it basically is, right? Someone’s story from the last Straight Acting was so entertaining I wanted to him to replay it, but we work in an office now, so we can only carry for so long… what I’m getting at is that this party looks way fun. Everyone has wigs and beards in the flyer and Merrie Cherry is performing. Not much more to ask for but the party delivers regardless with shows by Rify Royalty, Sasha Velour, Essence Revealed, Merrie Cherry, Dusty & Shane Shane and music by DJ Will Francis. Bananas! Get gay for this one yasssss.
FREE, 10PM-4AM, This n’ That (TNT), 108 N 6th (btwn Berry & Wythe) BK, NY.
PAT Pride
PAT at Union Pool is back with their Pride edition featuring the “Godmother” of House, Detroit’s DJ Stacey ‘Hotwaxx’ Hale along with other Pat regulars Justin Strauss, JD Samson & Amber Valentine. This cozy space out in Brooklyn is a hub for really great underground music, which fits the rustic vibe provided by the space itself. The music is always right, and you’ll constantly run into new faces there. Some cute, some not, as it usually goes. Their pride installment of the party should be no different.
FREE, 10AM-3AM, Union Pool, 484 Union Ave. Bk, NY.
Take a second to recharge before Pride weekend ensues by heading to Pier 1 to watch Kiki, a fabulously flamboyant insight into the vogue underworld. The film chronicles the BTS drama and the explosive on-stage performances, but the heart of this film is about tackling the injustices facing LGBT people of color. Teaming up with Queer community leader Twiggy Pucci Garçon, Swedish director and winner of the Berlinale Teddy Award, Sara Jordenö, has paid a great tribute to the extravagance, talent and struggle of those in the vogue world. She will be there to introduce the film andddd music on the night will be provided by DJ MikeQ (who will be at our Pride Ball on Saturday, so if you like what you hear, come through to our party!)
FREE, SUNDOWN, Pier 1, Brooklyn Bridge Park, BK, NY.
Johnny Dynell at Samsung 837
If anyone asks me what is Samsung 837, I have been saying it is a technology playground. You haven’t been? Change that. 837 is three floors of various new and progressive Samsung technologies geared toward all audiences. They do a panel series, various free events, and a lot ofreally cool stuff, so much that I can’t really detail here. Plus, it’s in Meatpacking and I think I speak for all of us when I say… it’s always rewarding to have an excuse to go into that neighborhood. For Pride they’ve called in NYC night-life staple Johnny Dynell for an exclusive two hour set. He’s had residencies everywhere from the Limelight to Le Bain. Rare is that you get to see DJs for free so RSVP to this for what sounds like a fabulous Friday pre-game.
Free, Samsung 837, 837 Washington St. NY, NY.
Trans Day of Action
Come stand in solidarity with TransJustice and all of our Trans and Gender Non-Conforming siblings in the 12th Annual TRANS DAY OF ACTION. While the official Pride parade is clearly important, it often whitewashes certain members of our community with its mainstream media coverage and shiny corporate sponsors. This year the day of action will focus on the resilient history of TGNC community power. Let us show up for those in the Queer community who are consistently erased from our collective narrative, because they have always shown up for us.
FREE, 3PM-6PM, Washington Square Park, NY, NY.
We Are Orlando: Pulse Relief Efforts
It may be Pride weekend but the community is still mourning (and will be mourning) our loved ones lost at Pulse. Almost two weeks out from the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, it is important to keep coming together and raising our hands in strength for our community. Hate is alive and well in our country and a lot of it pulsates in our direction. What these people want to think is that we will give up, forget about it and eventually move on. WRONG. Never forget their names, their faces and their experiences. It’s our job to remember so as to elicit change. Micah Jesse and DJ Valissa Yoe are hosting a fundraiser where “100% of all monies raised will go toward Equality Florida, a non-profit civil rights organization in Orlando, to assist victims and those injured with medical and funeral expenses, as well as ongoing counseling and support, as they recover from the aftermath of this attack.”
$50 minimum donation, 5:00PM-8:00PM, World Yacht, aboard the Duchess – Pier 81 W 41st St. NY, NY.
RIOT! Pride Friday
The Friday night of Pride weekend is an important evening in our social calendar whose events cannot be simply chosen on a whim. Join Vincent Cooper and Guy Social downstairs at the Ace Hotel for a night of dancing, solidarity and body paint. RIOT! doesn’t want us to forget that the first pride was in fact a riot and you’re invited to come dressed as your very own Pride Warrior. Who doesn’t need a reason to whip out those camo booty shorts? DJ Ryan Skyy will provide the music as artist Joey Suarez offers free glow-paint body art. There will also be performances by Brita Filter, Marti G Cummings, & Andrew Barret Cox. Most importantly, a portion of the proceeds are being donated to the Pulse Victims’ Fund. Get you a party who can do both.
$15-$20, 10PM-3AM @ Liberty Hall, Ace Hotel 20 W 29th St. NY, NY.
We had a picnic to celebrate the summer and how pretty Issue 4 is earlier in June. If you joined us, thank you, we had the best time! If you didn’t join us… it’s cool but you must picnic in Sheep’s Meadow! So much goes on there. There was couples yoga happening near us… Someone brought Chihuahuas… Someone brought weed…. We had vodka punch & sandwiches. It was perfect! We got invited to do it again but this time at the suave Prospect Park. GAYLETTER & company does badminton there on Sunday’s when the weather is right, so a picnic as a warmup to our Pride Ball makes all of the sense. We like to get a little color before the lights go down and we’re wasted. Consider this an informal invite to come find us while we bask in the sun and each other’s fabulousness. It’s a potluck — *deep voice* bring booze!
You really should not have any other plans for Saturday because you should be spending all of your time prepping for our pride ball. I don’t care if you’re doing makeup, choosing pants or douching, ya’ll better come correct. It’s a 70s disco-gay-soul-train-realness theme with a faux fur coat room, disco balls, chic design elements, sexy men, sexy women, we bring you everything (& probably more) hunty! An open bar starts the evening, so by 8pm you should be like, four margs deep (Milagro Tequila & Sixpoint Brewery are hosts, so, yeah, drink). Uniiqu3 and Mike Q are DJing. The legendary House of Mugler is performing as is another special guest. See you there children!
7:00PM-2:00AM, $20, Wythe Hotel, 80 Wythe Ave. BK, NY.
Make America Gay Again — Meet & Greet with Naomi Smalls & Jiggly Caliente
Every time I see Donald Trump’s ugly-orange-ass wearing that fucking Make America Great Again trucker hat I want to die. Luckily the Human Rights Campaign folks are genius and turned the hell out of that obnoxious phrase. Make America Gay Again is the best ad copy I’ve seen in a minute. THANK YOU. “Make America Gay Again—a movement to promote acceptance—no matter who you are, where you’re from or who you love” is having a meet and greet with bae Naomi Smalls and Jiggly Caliente with DJ set by Frankie Sharp + Friends. They have a float in the parade too. HRC is busting out all of the stops this year. Best queens, great music. Perfect way to end the week!
FREE, 7PM-9PM, American Apparel, 142 5th Ave. NY, NY.
Color Me Queer 2016
The Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York are hosting the largest Pride dance party for queers of color. Featuring every type of music you can possibly search for on Spotify, there will be happy hour drink specials and food available for purchase. Proceeds are going to support three other different Queer People of Color grassroots organizations; Q-WAVE (for queer women and trans folks of API descent), SALGA-NYC (for the South Asian LGBTQ community) and Tarab NYC (Queer, Middle Eastern, North African and Fabulous). Come thru!
$15 suggested donation, 6PM, The Delancy, 168 Delancey St. NY, NY.
Dance on the Pier: Dance 30
Last year Dance on the Pier featured Ariana Grande’s ponytail and I think she sang too. This year it’s Fergie, she might sing, she might not — she’s a retro act so a lipsync is possible. That’s popular in 2016 (CC: Channing Tatum in Beyonce drag…!) But don’t let this discourage you from going. Fergie is probably going to do all of her hits, maybe she’ll do new ones if she has them. Sorry if this sounds like I’m dragging her? Listen, this event is how so many people end pride each year so, who cares who is performing. It’s your chance to dance on the pier as the sun sets and with Fergie singing in the distance. This is so gay! This is it! Go and be merry with all of your people!
$25+, Pier 26, West St. at N. Moore St. NY, NY.
Battle Hymn Pride Edition
You know Bill Hader’s recurring Weekend Update character Stefon? He is the only person I think of when I talk about Battle Hymn. I feel like every time I want to intro the party I have to start with *lower register* “New York’s Hottest New Party is,”– but for real, Battle Hymn is New York’s hottest new party and it’s been killing it the few weeks it’s been going on. It’s fashion, it’s music, it’s LadyFag, it’s dancing, it’s poppers, it’s New York hunty! For Pride they are doing IT ALL. This is Battle Hymn’s first Pride (aw!) and they’re bringing you “Grammy winning mix master HEX HECTOR along with NYC treasure & Battle Hymn resident HONEY DIJON!” Slay, slay, slay. Carry, carry, carry. Boys, boys, boys. YASSSSSSSSS start the week after pride right with all of the crazy people at this party.
9:00PM-4:00AM, Free before 10PM, $20 after – Flash Factory, W 28th St., NY, NY.