stills from the music video
Like an angel of bygone-history, scarlet Love Bailey asserts the past is old news
It’s time to demand better, newer, next. Most of us are sick of normalities that only appease the hetero-typical American psycho. Here enters Love Bailey; bedecked in scarlet, her flesh and bones made a sanctuary for all us lost and wayward children. Like an angel of bygone-history, Love asserts that the past is old news. Filmed in the California desert at her very own Savage Ranch, Love’s “Hollywood Hooker” is a reminder you can easily be redeemed, just choose a night to slather it all the way up!
We got in touch with Love to hear straight from the Hollywood Hooker’s mouth what this moment in her career means to her, and the queer community more widely.
So, who is the Hollywood Hooker? Whether you’re selling couture or selling your ass, we are all hookers in this together!
Where does she come from? Tinseltown
Now that there’s nothing left for her to prove, what does she want? To Trojan Horse Hollywood giving more opportunities to woman & minorities and less power to greedy men in suits like Harvey Weinstein.
Over at Bullett, you discussed the role that Heidi Fless played in the foundation of the Savage Ranch. If she is the Hollywood Madame, is the Hollywood Hooker her heiress? Is this moment a way for her to stake a claim to her inheritance? The last thing I remember Heidi saying to me before she got evicted from the ranch was, “You can’t even suck dick for $5 dollars.” As she chucked my beaded gowns out the second story window. Heidi would always brag about the hookers she would steal money from saying “I don’t need to pay her, does this bitch think she has a golden pussy or something?” So to answer your question, it’s payday for this Hollywood Hooker, no need talking about old news!
Savage Ranch feels like such a complete negation of city lifestyle. But it still seems to be crucially related to the urban ideals we’ve lived with, like the opposite pole of a magnet. What from the ranch would you love to witness within the city? The utopian vision of the ranch exists within us all. The ranch wouldn’t be possible without those who came here from the city sharing the same vision. What I hope this ranch inspires is a sense of community. Coming together to create magic with no boundaries or walls between us.
What from the city do you believe the ranch might need? The ranch needs more funding to make it a living breathing artist community. We have reached capacity with resources. It’s time for us to build more yurts for artist residencies and buildings to house creation. If anyone from the city has resources they want to invest, please reach out and help us make the fantasy a reality.
As someone who gives refuge to outcasts and wayward children, what does home mean to you? Home is safe space for us to lay our head. A sacred space for us to dream, to live, to nurture, to host.
What role does the desert play as the landscape for the transformation that we witness in “Hollywood Hooker”? The Desert has a serenity and expansiveness to house our amazing crew of talented artists for the month of December, which is a good time weather wise for production where it’s warm in the day and crisp at night. Sunset is always a moment of pause for the team, and we eat borscht on the deck before switching to night scenes. The blessing we had was time and space, with no time constraints and endless land to build on, it really felt like a summer camp surrounded by our beloved friends and collaborators.
The political implications of “Hollywood Hooker” are very powerful, especially the beheading at the very end. Is that orange-haired piñata Donald Trump? Yes, it is indeed the orange pussy grabbing asshole himself!
You’re so productive, and so definitively carving your own path. What drives you to keep on slathering it up? That’s something I have to define everyday. Receiving videos of young queers dancing to my song really drives me to continue. All the messages I get from young ones telling me how much I inspire them helps me move forward in a world where the vanity and validation seem so meaningless compared to the trauma we face with our current political affairs. If I can help even just one child not want to harm them self or others, then I’m doing the right thing. So I’ll continue to put my lipstick on and Slather it up!
Watch the video below: