ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987) Self-Portrait in Drag. Polaroid print 4¼" x 3 3/8".
Andy Warhol ‘For Members Only: Eyes On The Guise’
I mean, who doesn’t wan’t to see Andy in drag? The Center is having a 1 day only show of the “gayest” works of Andy Warhol June 11th from 9AM to 10PM and it’s free. On view will be pieces from the upcoming online only Warhol auction Christie’s is hosting and will include polaroids of Keith Haring, this extraordinary polaroid of Andy in drag, line drawings of nude torsos and more. One can argue since Warhol was gay (though they say he didn’t participate in much of the sex that went on around him) that much of his work can be considered gay, this exhibition promises to show some of his gay-est works in honor of gay pride month. We will be the judge of that! —MOSSY
FREE, 9:00AM-10:00PM, The Center, 208 W. 13th St. NY, NY.