All Images provided by ©The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Andy’s Eye Candy
Christie's serves up some of Warhol's Sexier Side
I was immediately struck by all the close ups of thick black cocks and spread ass cheeks in Christie‘s online only auction of Andy Warhol‘s male centric collection, up for just one more day, titled ‘Andy’s Eye Candy.’ The auction house has amassed over 100 photographs, prints and drawings from Warhol’s vast oeuvre. On closer inspection they provide a fascinating insight into the renowned artist’s sexual proclivities and personal relationships.
Even if you’re not buying, and I must say there are some very affordable pieces for sale, definitely have a look at the twenty pages of artworks up on the site. “This sale contains explicit content” is boldly printed on the title banner of the sale and I say “bring it on.” Drag queens, body builders, multiple ass and torso polaroids and a slew of “unidentified young males” are just some of the subjects Warhol aimed his stealth artistic gaze upon. There’s even a polaroid portrait of famed Stonewall drag queen and black american transgender rights activist Marsha P. Johnson. No wonder the sale is timed in conjunction with LGBTQI pride month.
One would think art historians and critics have left no stone unturned where Warhol is concerned but in light of ‘Andy’s Eye Candy’ it seems yet another layer of the elusive artist’s legend has been revealed.