Tuesday 08.27.13
Why we endorse De Blasio for Mayor

Earlier this year we were introduced to Bill De Blasio and his wife at a fundraiser hosted by Alan Cumming and Cynthia Nixon. They were a lovely couple, super friendly, down-to-earth, easy to talk to.
We were reminded over and over again by the night’s performers (most notably Vaginal Davis) that just because Christine Quinn is a lesbian, doesn’t mean she has LGBTQI people’s best interests at heart. Quinn is a career politician entrenched in the Bloomberg administration who hasn’t promised she’ll change much at all in the city.
Bill on the other hand is serious about supporting not just the LGBTQI community, but pretty much every other minority group in the city. He’s big on affordable housing and stopping racist policies like ‘Stop and Frisk.’ His wife is also black and used to date ladies (cute).
We’re all for Bill and hope he wins. We’re not Bloomberg haters, he did a lot of good for the city, but he’s totally out of touch with the income gap that continues to widen in this city. Plus, it would be nice to have a mayor like Bill who’ll spend his weekends in Brooklyn instead of Barbados.
Watch De Blasio’s Campaign ad below:
Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray and us.
Hanging out with Cynthia Nixon.
Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray.