Sunday 12.09.12
Show: MX. Justin Vivian Bond’s Snow Angel

I know Homeland is getting really, really good, but there isn’t anywhere else you should be than at Justin Vivian Bond’s show this Sunday night. Mx’s holiday show, if you’ve never been, is quite easily one of the highlights of the year. Justin chose the name Snow Angel for the show before the election. It was an attempt to hedge bets, being unsure who might win. Justin tells us “a Snow Angel could be a symbol of whimsical play in a magical winter wonderland or it could be the shape you make when you’re being raped in the snow! Fortunately Romney and so many of his woman hating, “rape specialist” cronies were resoundingly defeated and sent back to their man caves until the next election so…It’s celebration time!” Ahmen to that JVB! Obama, gay marriage and free pot for all!!! (if you live in Colorado or Washington). Justin will be sharing the stage with Nath Ann Carrera, Miss Amber Martin and Brett Every, but is also “hoping to bring in some surprise guests too.” Get those tickets quick hunty, this one will sell out faster than Mitt Romney disappearing into obscurity. —tom