Monday 03.10.14
Larry Kramer’s The Normal heart
Here's the trailer for HBO's rendition of the famous play about the AIDS crisis.

It’s directed by Ryan Murphy and features Julia Roberts (in a wheelchair)…but don’t hold that against it.
It also stars the talented Mark Ruffalo and is on HBO. So that’s something.
The film “will highlight gay activists and their allies in the medical community that fought to expose the truth about the burgeoning epidemic to a city in denial.”
Glad they finally got around to making this, it’s about time Larry Kramer and his allies were recognized for all the great work he did during the peak of the AIDS crisis. Can’t wait to see the finished film.

Monday 03.03.14
The 2014 Oscars drawn to life
Devin Wallace illustrates the night's best moments.

What can we say about the Oscars that hasn’t been said by every other two-bit blog and website in the last 18 hours? We enjoyed the show, it was probably the funniest Oscars since Chris Rock hosted 5 years ago. Ellen DeGeneres was a great host. I know some people think differently, but they’re stoopid. This is one of the hardest gigs on TV and Ellen pulled it off brilliantly. She was quick on her feet, silly, and many times hilarious. The pizza delivery guy was by far the highlight of the night. Seeing all those A-listers chowing down on a slice of greasy pepperoni pizza was just great (although Leonardo DiCaprio did himself no favors by refusing a slice: you too good for pizza hey Romeo!?)
We asked our friend Devin Wallace to illustrate some of the highlights of the night. He did a wonderful job, as always.
Check ’em out.
Ellen in her Wizard of Oz outfit.
Liza with a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…(someone poke her, she seems to have nodded off again).
Brad and Angie making out. Ewww, pizza breath.
Leo looking old as fuck.
Jared Leto may have won an Academy Award for his role in The Dallas Buyers Club, but his hair was the real night’s winner.
So pretty, oh so pretty.
Lupita Nyong’o. Pretty in Prada blue.
By far the best speech of the night. She is so adorable.
Cate Blanchett tells us the world is round.
Matthew McCounghey thanks god and hardly anyone claps. …

Tuesday 02.18.14
Watch Now: Drag Race Season 6 Episode 1

This is going to be short and sweet, go to the itunes app store and immediately download the Logo TV App. Open it and watch the first episode of season 6 of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Logo are being very entrepreneurial to get people to download the app, so are offering the 1st episode exclusively on the app before it airs on TV. They don’t give everything away (you’ll have to wait till it airs to see which queen gets sent home) but it’s more than enough to placate your Drag Race cravings.
After being introduced to the first 7 queens (the other 7 we’ll meet soon) I can’t wait for the rest of the season to play out. There’s a whole bunch of young fishy queens (Adore Delano, Gia Gunn, Laganja Estranja) and a couple of older more established ones (Vivacious, Kelly Mantle). It’s gonna be a wild season, I can feel it. —TOM
Wednesday 01.29.14
Stephen Fry: Out There
A two part doco series that explores being gay around the world.

The British actor, writer, Apple computer super fan, Stephen Fry travels across the globe in this fascinating 2 part BBC documentary series that explores being gay around the world. Fry is totally fearless as he travels to some of the most homophobic places on the planet (Uganda, India) and interviews some of the most homophobic people you can imagine. It’s an enlightening series that every homo should see.
While we make great leaps forward in gay rights here in the States, in Europe and in Australia we should never forget that the forces of evil are hard at work in many other countries. We should also never forget that the only thing that can get rid of the darkness is light, and Fry shines plenty of it here.
Luckily the series is now available on YouTube. In fact it’s embedded right below this. Watch it, share it, enjoy it. Take that bigots! We’re here, we’re queer, and we have good Internet access!

Monday 01.27.14
Drawing the Grammys
A GAYLETTER look at the Grammy Awards

The Grammy’s last night were quite frankly one of the weirder awards shows we’ve seen in a while. Not weird in a MTV Video Music Awards kind of way — there were no shocking performances, no controversies — just weird in its representation of where music is today. The “stars” of the show could not have been more diverse. From Lorde‘s teenage goth performance to Queen Latifah officiating a large scale wedding of same sex couples to Pharell Williams winning literally every award wearing the hat from the Arby‘s logo. There was just something so awkward about the whole night. It was such a clash of cultures. Which I guess is inevitable when you try to honor so many genres of music at one time.
Our friend, and GAYLETTER contributor from the UK, Devin Wallace stayed up late to live draw the event last night (it’s like live Tweeting, but way more creative). We asked him to let us share his favorite moments from the show.
Daft Punk are like the Banksy‘s of the music world. I guarantee you there’s nothing cute going on under those robot masks.
Pink is really famous in Australia. Nobody knows this in the US, but she once toured Australia for a whole year. She did 30 shows in Melbourne alone. Random, right?
Pink needs a new party trick, hanging upside down from a rope like a damn Rhesus monkey is getting old.
Cyndi Lauper. …

Monday 01.20.14
Tanner is Looking
The actor from the new HBO series 'Looking' speaks to us

Tanner Cohen plays Scotty in the new, and first, gay HBO mini-series ‘Looking‘ that just aired this Sunday evening. We watched a couple episodes of the show and to be honest that threesome scene was one of the things that stood out the most to us. Tanner gives a very believable performance as the scene evolves. He’s the most real part of the trio. We sat down with him to have a chat over some hot sake — we talked about lots of things from that threesome, San Francisco vs. New York, being a “possibility model,” and how to find a man…
Did you draw from a real life experience for the threesome scene? Yeah, I did. The dynamic between a pre-existing couple is obviously something that is private, and I have had experiences where I’ve been the third party, so I tried to put myself in that position again. It’s actually a really safe position when it’s good, and it was really important for me that this story felt safe and authentic and that the emotions and the way we touched each other and moved around each other was the way real guys do. So I did draw a lot from personal experiences when we shot the scenes.
Do you think all actors are natural exhibitionists? I think that all actors have something going on inside that they feel no choice but to express through pretending to be someone else, but I don’t think that it necessarily is an exhibition of themselves. …