Photography by Daniel Jack Lyons
Colby Keller does America (and Canada too)
Help the artist/writer/porn star afford a romp across the continent
Back in April, artist/writer/sex columnist/perfect porn star Colby Keller announced that he was being evicted from his apartment in Baltimore. Having called the city home for the last ten years, Keller saw the eviction notice as a sign: not only of the growing gentrification of the city, but one that also meant it was time to move on into the great unknown. For Keller, being the adventurous, gorgeous trailblazer that he is, that great unknown involves buying a van, a mattress, and a camera in order to travel across the US and Canada recording a porn in every state and province along the way. Aiming to do all of this in less than a year, Keller has now taken to Indiegogo for help getting this infallible venture on the road, with a slew of awesome perks to go with it.
The self-described ‘art-nerd porn icon’ has made signed postcards, t-shirts, personalized videos (as clean or dirty as you like), and original illustrations all available depending on how much you want to contribute to the project. If you’re feeling generous, you get a “Spanking Station” hosted by the bearded star in your hometown. If you’re feeling extra generous, you get to actually direct a porn with Keller and another model, wherever and however you want. It’s a porn aficionado’s dream come true, to say the least. He’s got a month to reach his goal of $35,000, so now’s a good time to start forking over your extra cash and/or life savings so we can all enjoy this extra sexy road movie together.
Check out the Indiegogo campaign here, and watch Keller speak about the project below: