David et Jonathas
This week BAM presents the rarely seen homoerotic biblical opera David et Jonathas. The opera, based on a play by the Jesuit priest Eìtienne Chamillart, chronicles the legendary tragic love between the biblical heroes David and Jonathan (if you’re like me, you probably read about them in Sunday School, but for some reason your church left out the love story…funny how that is). Conducted by the renowned William Christie, expect his signature baroque flourishes and drama, while you take in the opera’s pacifist message about the power of queer love to bring people together. The performance runs til this Sunday the 21st, so get to it! It’s the kind of show you can tell both the boys and your grandma about. —PATRICK
$30, April 17-21, 7:30pm, Peter Jay Sharp building, BAM Howard Gilman Opera House.