Mountain Light/Time

Tuesday 03.08.16

Mountain Light/Time in Times Square

I avoid going to Times Square as much as possible — the fact that people choose to hang out there on New Year’s Eve is mind boggling to me — so going there for an event that lasts just 3 minutes sounds like the right amount of time to be there. Times Square Arts has partnered with Moving Image to curate a month long GIF performance each night in Times Square. Mountain Light/Time by Lorna Mills is a 3 minute GIF of a sunrise over a mountain. It will play from 11:57 to midnight, every night for the next month. It doesn’t say which of the hundreds of screens it will play on, but I have a feeling it will be all of them. This is a great opportunity to see Times Square like you have never seen it before. Get in, get out. You really don’t need to be standing in that hell hole for any longer than 3 minutes.

FREE, 11:57pm-Midnight, TIMES SQUARE, New York, NY.