Cover artwork from Redding's book
Thursday 02.22.18
Rob Redding on race & losing his boyfriend to gun violence
We love the Bureau of General Services Queer Division, the book store in The LGBT Center. You can find some really great queer literature there, from one-off zines to luxurious art and photography books, to vintage pamphlets, to GAYLETTER and her contemporaries. In fact, this past Christmas, it’s where I did all my shopping for the other GL queens. But BGSQD is more than a printed matter purveyor. They host talks, workshops, and events with visiting queer artists, which we often write about in our weekly newsletter. This event is a talk by nationally syndicated talk show and podcast host Rob Redding, and he’s discussing his autobiography “Out Loud.” In this book — which “ranked No. 2 on Amazon.com” — Redding “recounts how losing his first boyfriend to gun violence forced him out of the closet.” It’s a story of race and sexuality and it sounds juicy for sure. “Out Loud” is neither his first nor only book; rather, it’s his most recent of 9 best-selling books. Yasss prolific writing! Following the talk, there will be a conversation between Redding and Terry Roethlein of Gays Against Guns, which should be just as juicy.