Wednesday 10.14.15
RuPaul What’s the Tee? Podcast
If you’ve been a reader of the newsletter for any amount of time you’ll know that I love a good podcast. In fact I’m listening to one as I type this. It’s the New York Review of Books podcast featuring a conversation with Barack Obama. It’s an interesting listen, but a little sleepy, which is why I want to tell you about another podcast that’ll wake you right up. RuPaul What’s the Tee? is exactly what it sounds like. It’s hosted by Ru and fellow Drag Race judge Michelle Visage. The two spend equal time kiking with each other (my favorite part) as they do interviewing random celebrities (Leah Remini, Big Freedia, Mary Lambert) and of course plenty of drag queens. Over the last 40 episodes they have sat down with all the best queens from the last 7 seasons of Drag Race. It’s clear that Ru and Michelle have known each other FOREVER as they have great chemistry. This connection is ultimately what makes the podcast so enjoyable, it’s like listening in on two old friends gossiping about everything and nothing. It’s totally addictive hunty. Download that shit ASAP. No, no, no, #shedonealreadydonehadherses