Hi, Jaime
Jaime is 21 year old Fine Arts student who lives in Madrid Spain. He was born in Extremadura, Spain. Until three years ago he dated girls. However one day he started to experiment with an “especial” friend. One of his close friends told him at the time: “Jaime, you are in love with a boy! You have to accept it.” Jaime seems cool with with being gay now — I am glad that his friend was able to give him such good advice. He told me about his first full sexual experience with a boy “It was a disaster, I didn’t know what to do, and after that day it took me a while to be intimate with a guy again.”
He’s single at the moment, he told me that he’s probably very busy with his studies, so that makes it more difficult to have other commitments. He usually meets boys from Instagram, through friends of friends and at parties — “I’ve met some at museums…My future husband will come out from an afternoon at the museum…” So, feel free to say hi to Jamie if you see him around, especially if he’s looking at art (just don’t clog his Instagram with direct messages.)
Jaime told me that his favorite kind of date is when a boy surprises him. He really loves that and he’s into surprising others. He loves to drink wine on dates and says that he’s a good listener. He sounds like a great catch. His favorite body part is his neck, he feels it’s “the best erogenous zone.” Also, he loves his hair, especially when boys touch it, “it calms my stress.”
Jamie doesn’t have a specific type when it comes to guys, but he usually goes for brown/darker men. When it comes to his health and beauty routine, he goes to the gym almost everyday and he loves to run, “I love running in the city playing music…I wash my face every morning, in my hair I use keratin — it keeps it shiny.”
We asked Jamie to take some selfies wearing our Classic GAYLETTER t-shirt and of course some without it. Check them out!