Kirin J Callinan – Embracism
Kirin J Callinan — where should I begin? Writing up a short post about this fellow Australian, and one of the most compelling emerging artists of late, potentially the most compelling of all time (in my humble opinion) is a tough gig. I see sweat, raw animal masculinity, depravity, sex that transcends the word rough, nature, assaulting authenticity, man — but most importantly a degenerative beast with a lot on his mind. Someone please lock this man up with me.
Kirin J Callinan’s latest track Embracism is a song about “Two boys rolling around in the dust”, flexing, chasing the clock, measuring up against other men and embracing. Embracism is a twisted example of homoeroticism that we shouldn’t ignore but instead embrace.
Although I don’t believe this song is speaking exclusively to us queers there is a lot we can learn from it. I’ve always felt that gay men are the people who understand masculinity more than anyone. Especially considering we’ve all struggled with such definitions and been forced to reconsider what a man should value. Also we love men — therefore we know what men are. My idea of the word man has undergone drastic adjustments after hearing this song a few days ago.
Cara Stricker directed the music video for Embracism and I honestly consider this to be a work of sheer genius. I watched this video before being able to finish my morning coffee — I felt as if I had just been punched in the teeth and had walked over hot coals. This video is assaulting, confusing, bare and real.
Kirin J Callinan is certainly one to watch and certainly one to fear.