Selfie by Sebastian Sauvé
Molding Sebastian Sauvé
Q&A with artist Stuart Sandford and model Sebastian Sauvé about their collaboration.
London-based artist Stuart Sandford has been working on his ongoing project ‘Sebastian‘ for the last two years. Sebastian is an 8ft stainless steel statue of the model Sebastian Sauvé taking a selfie. Stuart describes it as a “perfect 21st century embodiment of male beauty that combines new and old technologies and an actual professional model as its basis.” He created this statue with Sebastian in mind, “once the idea was fully formed Sebastian Sauvé was my first choice. I wanted to reference classical works in the look and feel of the piece and he has the perfect look, just check out those lips and nose and profile…”
We had a chance to ask Stuart and Sebastian a few questions about the project.
Did Sebastian agree to let you mold him into the statue right away? Yeah I emailed him directly through his website and he pretty much got back to me straight away saying he would love to be a part of the project. He mentioned he’d seen my work before, specifically my ‘Cumfaces‘ series from 2007, and liked it.
How did you meet him? We didn’t actually meet face to face until the day of the 3D scanning but we chatted via Skype, I think he was in New York at the time. We sent lots of emails back and forth, I was really interested in his input.
Sebastian, 2014. Cast painted stainless steel, 243cm x 80cm x 65cm.
Do you feel satisfied with the project? I will be when the 8 foot version is ready! I’ve been developing the project since the end of 2011 so it’s been swirling around my brain for a while now. I like what I’ve achieved so far but there’s still work to be done.
How many sizes have you created? There was always only meant to be the one full-size Sebastian statue, the one made from stainless steel which is 8 feet (243 cms) tall, but there are also two different sizes of limited editions available (a 6 inch/15 cm marble dust and resin version and a 20 inch/50 cm cast painted bronze version), which I created in order to spread the word about the project and also to sell to raise enough funds to actually make the full-size statue. I’ve also asked a number of artists and creatives to contribute to the project either by customizing one of the 6 inch limited edition versions of the statue or by creating a piece of work inspired by the statue. That contribution to the project, and sharing of ideas, could continue indefinitely.
What’s your plan for the future, will you keep evolving this project or are you working on something else? Essentially I could just keep making versions of the statue in different materials and sizes, and whilst I like that idea and will keep doing it for a while, I’m already making the first preparations for a new ongoing series of statues. The new series will use a new model in different poses and states of undress and using different materials and in different sizes but it will always be the same model. It’s a more pure form of the idea behind the Sebastian statue.
You can buy a Sebastian statue and browse other editions here.
Now on to Sebastian Suavé…
Do you like being a statue? Naturally
Where are you living now? On the road. I packed up my house 14 months ago and am changing locations too regularly to call one place home. Im currently in Cape Town, South Africa.
Where were you born? Michigan
How old are you? 26
What’s your favorite city? Impossible to say. Maybe Berlin.
Did you enjoy the process of being molded? It caused plenty of aches from standing so still but great to see how it’s done.
How often do you exercise? Not as often as I’d like. once I went 5 times in a week. Last time I went though was a year ago.
What’s the favorite part of your body? My feet since they take me places.
At what age did you start modeling? 23
What was the weirdest modeling job you ever done? In a bath full of ink.
What keeps you busy besides modeling? Interviews. Traveling. Odda Magazine, which I’m part of the creative team for, also working on other projects and social media.
Who would you like to see be made into a statue? Me again but in 80 years old and withered to compare.
What are you happiest doing? Eating, sleeping, having sex, dancing, sports. In no particular order.
Do you fear getting old? Not at all.
Does being a model make it easier to get laid? So they say. Im sure it helps but I haven’t noticed. I’ve always had it…
Do you think your life has been easier because of your looks? The harsh reality is yes. Look, size, color, I wish It didn’t but it does.
Do you travel with the statue? Now that would be strange.
Where do you keep it? I gave mine to my mom. Funny enough though I have a doll of Ivan Drago with me though — a joke from a friend.
Thanks Sebastian!