The 2014 Oscars drawn to life
Devin Wallace illustrates the night's best moments.
What can we say about the Oscars that hasn’t been said by every other two-bit blog and website in the last 18 hours? We enjoyed the show, it was probably the funniest Oscars since Chris Rock hosted 5 years ago. Ellen DeGeneres was a great host. I know some people think differently, but they’re stoopid. This is one of the hardest gigs on TV and Ellen pulled it off brilliantly. She was quick on her feet, silly, and many times hilarious. The pizza delivery guy was by far the highlight of the night. Seeing all those A-listers chowing down on a slice of greasy pepperoni pizza was just great (although Leonardo DiCaprio did himself no favors by refusing a slice: you too good for pizza hey Romeo!?)
We asked our friend Devin Wallace to illustrate some of the highlights of the night. He did a wonderful job, as always.
Check ’em out.
Ellen in her Wizard of Oz outfit.
Liza with a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…(someone poke her, she seems to have nodded off again).
Brad and Angie making out. Ewww, pizza breath.
Leo looking old as fuck.
Jared Leto may have won an Academy Award for his role in The Dallas Buyers Club, but his hair was the real night’s winner.
So pretty, oh so pretty.
Lupita Nyong’o. Pretty in Prada blue.
By far the best speech of the night. She is so adorable.
Cate Blanchett tells us the world is round.
Matthew McCounghey thanks god and hardly anyone claps. Guess this ain’t the Grammy’s.