photo via outandaboutcomics.com
Out & About
For a little dose of fun on the web, we take a look at comic strip, Out & About. Written and illustrated by Brazilian Kris Barz, who came up with the idea when he realized there wasn’t enough comics that gave fair representation to the LGBTQ community. Originally created in Portuguese, with the name “Torta de Climão,” it translates brilliantly as “Big Climate Pie” and Kris hopes to continue expanding on the issues raised in his work to add to this big ‘ol pie of queerness.
Here is what Kris had to say about his work: “With my work I try to humanize the LGBTQ community as much as possible in the form of comics, telling stories that show many different aspects of my characters, touching some important issues but always with the goal of creating fun and entertaining situations.”
Out & About may be fun on the exterior, but it has a big heart offering identity to people from every background. And fear not of reading them too quickly, Kris is still translating his works so he’s got plenty to keep you entertained!