Paddle8 + Interview’s Auction!
Future of auctioning pioneers: Paddle8, in conjunction with the ever-lovely Interview, have a sale going on now at their site until March 27, ambiguously and dramatically called: Somebody. It features art work centered around the lifestyles of the rich and famous. All your faves are in the sale: Warhol, Testino, Avedon, LaChappelle, and of course, Basquiat whose name is once again on everyone’s lips (everyone and their mother says his show at Gagosian is amazing). Don’t worry, Miley (when she had long hair), Dakota, Chace, Taylors Swift and Momsen are there too. I’m coveting Patrick Demarchelier‘s Madonna (maybe just because I’m listening to her album, True Blue on Spotify right now), Dash Snow‘s How Much Talent Does it Really Take to Come on the New York Post Anyway? and LaChappelle‘s Leonardo DiCaprio. —PARKER