Wednesday 06.01.16
After Louie, a film by Vincent Gagliostro
Help bring this politically important to the big screen!

According to author and playwright, Larry Kramer, this is a movie that needs to be made. But in order for that to happen the team behind After Louie need our help on Kickstarter. The film tells the story of Sam, played by Alan Cumming, an AIDS activist and member of ACT UP in the 1980s and 90s, who is desperate to reconcile his past with his present. A chance encounter with a younger man forces him to confront the trauma from years ago. At the helm of the project is director, Vincent Gagliostro, who was the original member of ACT UP and chaired the Communication and Graphics Outreach group. Here’s what he has to say:
“My film After Louie is a portrait of what happened to us — the generation who endured the AIDS epidemic, a generation whose shared history continues to haunt us. In confronting the end of a traumatic era and provoking a conversation between generations, I dare us to dream of a new and vibrant future, again. After Louie will be a testament to the joys of the fully lived life and the inseparability of art and living.”
The story is both relevant and urgent. In order to grow as a community, we must first learn and understand what came before us. The project is in good hands with Vincent at the helm, along with co-writer Anthony Johnston and actors Zachary Booth and Wilson Cruz. Act now! There are only two days left to help make this movie happen. …

Tuesday 05.31.16
What is Obscenity? The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and Her Pussy

What is Obscenity?: The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and Her Pussy is the tale of the Japanese “pussy artist” Rokudenashiko. Rokudenashiko (“good-for-nothing girl”) creates art using a mold of her pussy. She started out as a mangaka, someone who writes manga, and only began to explore the idea of pussy art because she thought it would be a good story. Rokudenashiko ultimately found empowerment from her work and continued to explore it, growing both sillier and grander in scale. She eventually received national recognition when she used crowdfunding to make a kayak out of the pussy mold, and then got arrested for sending her contributors a 3-D scan of the mold she used.
The book starts off with an introductory letter from Rokudenashiko explaining her background to an American audience. Next, there is the manga “What is Obscenity? How I Became a So-Called Artist,” which tells the tale of Rokudenashiko’s first arrest and rise to prominence. After having her story controlled by public officials and the male-dominated press, Rokudenashiko now tells her story on her terms. She uses the medium she’s most comfortable with, and though the book is accessible to a non-Japanese audience, Rokudenashiko doesn’t water anything down to fit a certain template. The manga is presented in traditional Japanese form with an explanation of how to read it. The book also explains different aspects of Japanese culture that are referenced and even explores the various theories behind the root of the word “pussy” in Japanese, “manko.” …

Andy Pandy x PowrpInt present: Club Angels
Premiere screening of documentary on Sateen by Andy Boyce with performances by Neocamp, Aja, Momo Shade & Sateen
Tuesday 05.24.16
Smoke Florals for Summer
With this stunning vapor device from Dopen

Her name is Floral Twilight and she is my favorite toy. And I don’t want to say “new” favorite because this favoritism is timeless. That’s how strong an impression she’s made on me. I usually lead with functionality and physical effects, but her look has to be first in line. She’s a looks queen! But trust me, this device delivers on all points charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent.
Her look can be described as the expensive contract signing pen of a very successful near-retirement real estate agent in Sarasota with brightly colored Chanel-inspired suiting and an unmoving manicured bob framed in gold statement jewelry. It can also be described as yes. Opening the box was similar to the curtain rising on Violet Chachki’s crowning look for the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8. For both events I let out a gasp with a hand to my chest.
This device from Dopen is used with oil concentrate cartridges. Like many pens on the market, it’s built with industry-standard sizing and thread count. The cartridges from my green delivery boys slide in with ease. The pen can also be used with e-cigarette liquids, oils and e-juices—gross—but perfect for vape bros who need to sissy it up. A friend told me that vaping oil burns holes in your brain (something about the chemicals used to stabilize the oil) but I’m not sure and didn’t dive into that research. You still get the benefit of inhaling vapor rather than smoke. …