Wednesday 03.02.16


The Dauphine of Bushwick X Wise Men: Oscar Viewing Party & Leap Year Rage with Co-host Hamm Samwich and Music by Horrorchata and Brent Coover! Tea set winner Aduni Gro!

Monday 02.29.16

Barbie Kites Teaser

BTS from our shoot in Miami Beach for issue 4

Sunday 02.28.16


If you care about the Academy Awards and need a place to watch it here’s a suggestion. We all know that the Oscars is a white event, which is why it’s extra boring. I mean look at the nominations... At least we can enjoy some of the fashion, get drunk, and be with friends, hoping it’s gonna be entertaining, then we can get on Twitter and bitch about how we really feel. Anyways, if you go to watch the show at Wise Men you are probably not gonna hear much (I hope they have subtitles) but at least you’ll be with a fun group of queers and you won’t have to clean your place the next day. Baby Tea is usually presented by The Dauphine of Bushwick (Tyler Ashley) who will be co-hosting with Hamm Samwich, that queen is super funny, she’ll be perfect for this event. I read all of her Facebook updates and watch every video she ever posts, she’s nuts! After the red carper and the show is over the party is gonna get cray cray. Music will be provided by Brent Coover and Horrorchata. On a side note, when I was younger and in that delusional stage, thinking I could do anything and everything, even be an actor, I remember whispering to myself a few times Academy Award nominee Abi Benitez... I meaaaan, ha ha ha



Saturday 02.27.16

Party: Psychic Snow

David Sokolowski emailed us awhile back about this party so we knew he was serious about it. It’s one of those productions that takes A LOT of time and effort to pull together so you want to do everything you can to make sure people show up. I get that. We do our big Pride party at the Wythe Hotel each year (it’s probably bigger than this) and I’m always a nervous wreck until the place fills up. So what to expect from Psychic Snow? David says the party is “a harmony of music, performance, installation art, visual art, tarot/astrology, lounging & cruising for the funky queers who like to get down.” It’s giving me a very BK radical fairy type vibe. There’s going to be DJ tag team sets, trippy visuals mixed live, serene installation art and a fucking runway show! I mean, these queens are giving you everything AND the kitchen sink. The only thing they need is some food… oh wait, they have that. Empanada Lady will be serving hot pockets of deliciousness all night long. Settle in queens, a psychic snowstorm is headed your way.

$20 at the door, 10:00PM, The Kymberle Project, 1332 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY.


Xanadude 6yr Manniversary

NSTY GRLS probably already know where they’re gonna be Saturday night, but if  you a trying to get to that level and need a lil’ help from us then we got you, here’s what we suggest. On February 27, Xanadude will be celebrating six successful, sweaty years. It’s their very special Manniversary. Wow, it’s been 6 years already since we first attended a Xanadude party, — Congratulations! Expect hijinks in dark corners and dirty boys getting low…


Resident DJs Sean B. and Deputy will be putting it down along with mini-sets by Tadeu Magalhães, Christy Love and Austin Downey. Our advice to you is to fuck February and get steamy at the Big Bear Bar in Williamsburg! Oh, and one last thing: If you “nasty, trashy, sleazy, classless…” then you better DIAL 1-855-NSTY-GRL!


$15, 10:30PM, BLACK BEAR BAR (BACK ROOM), 70 N 6th St. BK, NY. …

Friday 02.26.16

Party: WITCH CAMP at Nowhere Bar

I guess this is a party and a performance — two of our favorite things, I usually feel much better if there’s a performance at the party, I don’t feel like I wasted all those hours just drinking, I like being productive. Waking up hungover, but knowing you saw a great performance is better than just waking up hungover. I went to see Amber Martin and Nath Ann Carrera’s Witch Camp last year and it was super fun and weird, I love those two, they are so talented and witchy, they really get into it. I am assuming we’ll get the party and a bit of that Witch Camp performance, which is a perfect interruption for any’ll see what I mean. “Featuring Thematic Classic Vinyl Sets And A Midnight Performance From The Ises Black: Libations prepared with alchemical precision by River And Ronnie! $5 Well Drinks! Curated Television From The Annals! Bored Altars Of The Flesh! Sharon Tate Sacrifices A Patriarch To Insure The Future Of The Vineyards Of France! A 1970’s Science Teacher As Green Screen Flying Egyptian Goddess Debunks A UFO Housing Depreciation Ring! And BEYOND!” Apparently this is all happening at Nowhere Bar, I doubt this bar can hold all of that, but I told you they get into it.

FREE, 10:00PM, Nowhere Bar, 322 EAST 14St. New York, NY.


Thursday 02.25.16

Event: What Does it Mean to be Black in America – Black Artists Speak

Lord help me if I know, I’m as white as a fucking bowl of rice, but it’s Black History Month and I’d  love to hear about the experience from people who are living it. Especially when one of those people, Elliott Brown Jr., is a contributor to our magazine. This panel discussion features “a selection of artists from NYU Tisch School of the Arts” and they’ll “consider the social responsibilities of artists, matters of representation and ownership, and the use of identity in Black artists’ work.” Other artists involved in the discussion include: Micah Ellis (actress), Brittany Fenell (writer, director, and activist), Myles Golden (performance artist, photographer, and poet), Saba Green (lyricist, singer, songwriter, and producer) and Chioma Nwana (photographer and poet). The event is moderated by Bria Webb. I’m sure this will be a lively discussion. It’s also accompanied by a one-night-only exhibition on the 8th Floor in Room 814. The discussion will conclude with a Q&A so don’t be afraid to raise a hand if you want to speak up — there are no stupid questions, just stupid outfits.

FREE, 6:30PM, Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, 12th Floor, Dean’s Conf. Room New York, NY.


Wednesday 02.24.16


Who knew there were so many gay-themed, healthy, social activities one can do in NYC? There’s this group called Guy Social (who we mentioned earlier this year) and they have tons of events aimed at homos. There’s Guy-raoke, Guys Paint Night, even a Guys for Hilary event… and then there’s this one, Gayzer Tag. For $15 you get unlimited laser tag, unlimited bowling and unlimited pool. There’s also $8.00 Grey Goose vodka drinks and $14.00 beer pitchers. Holy shit that’s a great deal. We tried to bowl in Brooklyn last weekend and it was way more than $15. I don’t know the types of guys that are into gayzer tagging, but who cares, bring your own crew and make the most of it. I haven’t played laser tag for years but from what I remember it was a fun, cheap thrill. It’s much healthier than getting wasted, but with the great drink deals they’re offering you can do that too. I mean, you’re only human.

$15, 8:00PM, Bowlmor Chelsea Piers, Pier 60 23rd St. NY, NY.


Monday 02.22.16

Cans Film Festival

A new queer film series at Macri Park, Brooklyn

Tuesdays generally suck. It’s no Wednesday, nor does it have the new week glow of a Monday. But now there is a big ol’ rainbow as a reward for all the hustling you’ve been doing! The Cans Film Festival launches this Tuesday at Macri Park for a night of cinematic campness. Brooklyn gays Dan Kessel and Ben Miller came up with the idea to contribute to and build queer community in a fun environment and they have decided to kick the monthly series off with the classic What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? You know the one, with dead rats, crazy facial expressions and eyebrows.


While fun is the prime motive, the guys also had this to say about why the Cans Film Festival is something to get behind, “we believe in a queer volksgeist  — a unique cultural and social approach, a rainbow lens through which [queer people] see the world and that it is shaped by our sense of outsider-ness, our gender non-conformity, our insistence on questioning…this questioning, and its attendant cultural stance, is our most valuable survival skill and contribution to human affairs.”

So if you want to kick back this Tuesday and just be overtly you then get over to Macri Park. Entry is free and you can hoot and holler (and YASSS) at Joan and Bette as much as your heart desires! ALSO don’t worry if you have trouble being YOU so early on in the week because they have a shit ton of $2 Tecate to limber you up! …

Sunday 02.21.16

Backstage images from HBA A/W 2016 By Slava Mogutin

The Russian Artist walked the show and took some photographs

Saturday 02.20.16

Art: Jack Early at Fergus McCaffrey

A few weeks ago I received a very nice invite in the mail with large, die-cut type announcing Jack Early’s latest show at Fergus McCaffrey. I got so excited, I was like wow, that’s cunt! It just makes such a difference when you receive something in the mail worth keeping. I am also excited because we are big fans of Jack Early’s work. We featured him in our printed publication (issue 2), go read the amazing interview. We are obsessed with daddy Jack! Mr. Early has been around for some time which the press release reinforces with these random facts: “He and Tim Gunn go way back and he hung out with Grace Jones at the peak of her partying career.” This exhibition opens on February 18, don’t miss the reception from 6:00PM-8:00PM. His work is all about exploring his childhood “from roughly 9-12 years old, and all the memories that come before that.” Jack incorporates into his large scale paintings the wallpaper that his mother let him pick out during as a kid. Keep an eye out for the popsicles and his vintage porn paintings!

FREE, 10:00-6:00PM, Fergus McCaffrey, 514 W 26th St. New York, NY.


Friday 02.19.16

Film: See it Big! – Pina

We wrote about this movie a couple of years ago. As far as I’m concerned it’s only worth seeing on the big screen. This Friday, February 19, you can do just that as it airs as part of the See It Big! series which is all about celebrating movies shown large. This month they are focusing on the best of nonfiction filmmaking. Pina is an immersive 3D documentary by Win Winders about the legendary (people, especially gays, like to throw that word around but she was the real deal) choreographer Pina Bausch. Pina, who died in 2009, was one of the most innovative modern dancers and choreographers, whose work has influenced generations of performers. This film is a beautiful tribute to her talent, featuring many of her students dancing through stunning indoor/outdoor spaces. Pina is an example of 3D being used to enhance a movie experience rather than just to make more money. The only downside about this screening is that it’s in Astoria, which is a bit of a hassle to get to if you don’t live close by, but well worth the effort. Anything for Pina!

$12, 7:00PM, Museum of the Moving Image, 36-01 35th Ave. Astoria, NY.
