Saturday 02.11.17


What a great excuse to go to The Metropolitan Museum of Art! It’s a gay private tour at the museum with Andrew Lear (who “has taught art history and Classics at Harvard, Columbia and NYU. He is the founder of Oscar Wilde Tours, the first company to offer tours focused on LGBT history.”) The tour explores “some of the Met’s prized homoerotica, from ancient Greek nudes and erotic vase-painting to works from the Renaissance and the present day, many expressing same-gender desire. Famous artists and subjects appear, but so do lesser-known artists and works whose homoerotic charge is often ignored, including phallic totems from the Met’s Oceania collection.” Each tour is limited to 20 people, “it departs promptly, and lasts approximately two hours.” Sounds like a truly lovely way to spend a Saturday. Gay art at the Met, in a small tour group. What wonderful times we live in.

$35-$95 (GO TO FACEBOOK FOR TICKETS), 11:00AM-4:00PM, THE MET, 1000 5th Ave. NY, NY.


Jeremy Scott After Party – A/W 2017 NYFW

Friday 02.10.17


This one is probably gonna sound random, but I thought we needed to tell you about it. I always find that the best parties happen in the most random places. From where I am from (Dominican Republic) one of the most popular places to party is at the gas station, I know it sounds a bit dangerous, but it sure gets lit. Roberta’s is a very popular restaurant in Brooklyn, it also seems to be a popular destination for queer people, I guess now that I think about it more, it’s not that random, restaurants can get out of control in NYC. Which brings me to this party that one of our star writers, Jonny, who also works there told me about. “It’s like a dance party in their back bar. Kinda small but could be fun if you were in the mood for a Bushwick moment...Yeah it’s queer, we’re so progressive, come on down.” Their Facebook event says “good vibes, go go boys, go go girls, cheap drinks and perverts…” Alright Roberta’s come thru. They’ll be playing some haunted house, terrifying techno and dead disco. Should be fun!

FREE, 8:00PM-1:00AM, ROBERTA’S, 261 Moore ST. BROOKLYN, NY.


Thursday 02.09.17

BTS from the EFM (Engineered For Motion) A/W 17 – NYFWM


I just spoke with Casey Spooner (pictured) about this party that he’s DJing along with Carlos Jadraque. He was also telling me about the crazy party that I missed last week at his place, he had over 100 people, “hot dudes, great mix...I am still cleaning, I am hoping the Americano will be as good.” It sounds like I better not miss this one, Carlos told me more about the origin of the party. “I started doing this party last Spring throughout the Summer on Thursdays at the rooftop of Hotel Americano. It is mainly gay (lots of cute boys) but everyone is welcome. The vibe in summer was sexy with great fun music and the perfect start of the night by the pool...” The Hotel Americano has asked him to do a winter edition of the party, “this time it will be held in the basement, where the vibe will be more clubby and we can play music till later (10pm to 2am). It is going to be a bi-weekly party, starting on Feb 9th, to kick-off the official start of NY Fashion Week.” OK, I’m in!

FREE, 10:00PM-2:00AM, HOTEL AMERICANO, 518 W 27th St. NY, NY.


Wednesday 02.08.17

Listen: Sooo Many White Guys Podcast

Contrary to what the name suggests, Sooo Many White Guys is a podcast refreshingly free from white guys. As a white guy myself, I’m more than OK with this. I mean, have you turned on the news lately? White guys are back running the country and look at all the bullshit that has happened in only the last 3 weeks. Created by comedian, and writer Phoebe Robinson, the podcast is exec-produced by the wonderful Ilana Glazer of Broad City fame (she occasionally pops up on the podcast to chat, or apologize on behalf of white people for Gwen Stefani: “I’m sorry about her wearing a bindi and using Asian people as props. I don’t know how we missed that.”) Other guests include comedians, performers and writers like Margaret Cho, Lena Dunham, the musician St. Vincent and activist Janet Mock. It comes out weekly and is the perfect antidote to all the political crap we have to deal with every day. Plug in, tune out and have a good laugh in a white guy free zone!

Wherever you get your podcasts


Wigwood Miami 2017 at Gramps Miami

An annual festival featuring all types of queer performances, Drag king and Queens, bands, vendors, DJ's and lectures.

Monday 02.06.17

LGBT Solidarity Rally

People gathered at Stonewall National Monument in New York City

Sunday 02.05.17

Event: YUASA Underwear Presents Afternoon Tea at The Monster – SUPER BOWL EDITION

I know you bitches are gonna be watching the Super Bowl halftime show this Sunday, it’s always one of the gayest performances of the year. This year it’s Lady Gaga, I know some of you are already gagging, I am not sure why she used to call her fans “little monsters,” for those of you that identified with that, is she still saying that? Please tell her to stop, it just feels so condescending. Why do they have to be little? Anyways, I think she’s gonna turn it out with that pink hat, I am hoping that she comes for pupu caca Trump. Yuasa Men’s underwear is hosting tea at 6:00PM this Sunday at The Monster with Lady Bunny. I asked Yuasa what this was about and he told me “We’re hosting tea at monster in their interior illusions lounge’s not really the interior illusions lounge but they have that mirrored staircase and the fish tank room...” I think it’s OK to call it that, I mean whatever. Expect “boys in YUASA underwear dancing around. Lady bunny playing disco. Lady Gaga Superbowl Halftime Show.” There you have it homos!



Saturday 02.04.17

Do: Big Gay Ice Skate! LGBTQ Night at Bryant Park

Ice skating can be soooo much fun. I haven’t done it since last Winter at the rink at Prospect Park. That’s a pretty beautiful rink, but it is often filled with straight people and kids who skate too fast and like scaring those travelling at a more leisurely pace. Which is why I’m excited for this event. It takes place at the Bryant Park Skate Rink, which I believe is a little bigger than the Prospect Park one, and it’s gonna be filled with a bunch of gays. Even better “a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Ali Forney Center.” At times like these we all need to let our hair down, and do some good for LGBTQ charities. Strap on your skates and head over to the rink for some good wholesome fun. Well, maybe not so wholesome. Skating is way better when you’re a little drunk or after a couple of puff puffs. The gliding feels so much better...

$20/$25, 5:00PM-10:00PM, ICE SKATING RINK AT BRYANT PARK, 41 Ave. of Americas NY, NY.


Friday 02.03.17

Event: Mr(s) BK 3

$10 , 10:00PM, MACRI PARK, 462 Union Ave. Brooklyn, NY, NY.


Thursday 02.02.17

Event: MIX NYC 2017

We’re super excited about this year’s iteration of Mix NYC, the enlightening queer art festival that takes place in NYC each year. This “film forward” iteration “prioritizes the visions and labors of undeserved and underrepresented femme communities, trans communities, and communities of color. That’s right kids, we’ve curated BAD ASSED films for your tender queer hearts to give you all the psychic courage you need to stand up and resist tyranny in these harrowing times.” It all takes place at The Dreamhouse, which is the newish space at the Spectrum in Ridgewood. Opening night happens at 8:00PM on February 2nd and features a slew of short films on topics as broad as “AIDS, alienation, disconnection, the urban landscape, condoms, bedbugs, hustling, sex toys of every description and cellphone apps.” Apparently these are all the things that “keep queer people apart and bring us together.” The screenings continue each night until Feb. 5th. There’s too many films to list, but trust, it’s an amazing selection of queer stories being told. Click here for tickets!

$25, Various times, The Dreamhouse @ the Spectrum, 10-22 Wyckoff Ave. Ridgewood, NY.
