Save the Straights!
There’s a lot of things we can be proud of as a gay community — we are pushing through marriage equality in states we never dreamed of, we put together the best yearly parties and street parades in every major city around the world — hell, we are pretty damn organized. But when it comes to global warming, a quick Google search for “gays for climate change” will tell you we have fallen well behind on the issue.
That’s where two environmentally-minded gay New Yorkers and a hashtag come in. Save The Straights is a tongue-in-cheek initiative launched this Pride, to help the straight community out of the serious mess they’ve gotten themself into (because statistically speaking, we really can’t have contributed more than 10% or so to global warming). Honey think about our lobbying and fighting that helped create accessible HIV treatments in the late 80s — when has the straight community ever achieved anything like that? We don’t shy away from the tough fights. They need our help, and let’s be honest — we’d rather not suffer the same unfabulous doom of climate change with them.
To help launch the campaign you can snap a picture of yourself holding a message or meme and post it using the hashtag #savethestraights. For more info and to see the #savethestraights selfies, check out their website.