Savory Crickets
Here’s a little tidbit you might not know: at some stage the planet is going to run out of meat. It’s not that cows are going to go extinct, but the whole meat industrial complex that’s exploded over the last 50 years is just not sustainable. There’s just too many people on the planet—7 billion at the moment and possible 10.5 billion by 2050—that’s way too many mouths to feed. The fact is our mass farming practices can’t keep up with the way we over consume meat without totally fucking the planet. Which is why we should all eat insects. Insects are the most sustainable source of protein on the planet—they breed like…well like insects, and they take up so little space to “farm.”
I know it sounds all sorts of crazy, but don’t poo-poo the idea until you actually eat one. I mean insects are no weirder than oysters, which I’m sure you thought were gross before you tasted them. And shrimp! And lobster! What do you think they are? Nothing more than insects of the fucking sea!
We recommend you try the Crick-ettes ($3) from Evolution in SOHO. “These crunchy cricket snacks are a smart way to add some protein to your diet. They come in three delicious flavors – Bacon & Cheese, Salt & Vinegar, and Sour Cream & Onion – so you’ll never get bored!” Munch, munch. —TOM