The ignorant, arrogant, moronic, privileged, attention-whore Lucian Wintrich is taking his #daddywillsaveus #twinksfortrump “art” show bullshit to BK this weekend — they are even having an after-party/pro-Trump celebration. I mean, where the fuck are the parents of this kid? Of course we can all chose to ignore this event, but it’s a bit hard to ignore it when it has become such a talked about thing. I mean Trump might not hate gay people, but the party he is a head of is clearly anti-LGBT. Some of you might think it’s best to not even discuss this and ignore the stupid kid, but I think it might be also nice to show up there and protest and hopefully close down the event. We also heard that the kid is exhibiting some images of these “twinks-for-Trump” without their consent, so that also means that he’s pretending that all of these kids are pro-Trump, when I know that many of them are not.
Pablo Torres posted this on Facebook about the protest: “I think any action is valid. I find it difficult to accept staying at home while they are partying and celebrating what they call art. I work on myself to accept any form of expression, but it all changes when one of the leaders of the exhibition publicly attacks people of color and uses our vulnerabilities to turn LGBTQI people against each other.” The artist Gio Black Peter has a different, but equally valid point: “these talentless hacks feed on attention — best fuck you is to ignore them and their event — a better protest is to spend your time making anti-fascist art that promotes queers, women, people of color, trans lives…” Another boy Damon Stang, also had a good point: “shaming the venue online might be a very interesting strategy though…” I’d say we can take some action and stop or interrupt this event, maybe just bringing a few anti-Trumps signs, just avoid any physical altercations. The boys that created the protest are suggesting we “gather next Saturday Oct 8th at 7:30pm outside 191 North, 14th street in Brooklyn.” We think it’s a great idea. Fuck Trump! Fuck self-hating homos!
FREE, 8:00PM, 191 North, 14th St. BK, NY.