The Radical Diva Grant
This is a really tremendous project run by performance/video/music artist Colin Self — The Radical Diva Grant is an independently run arts grant aimed at queer artists. Queer artists who are inherently radical divas I presume.
“We are looking for hard-working, dedicated artists who demonstrate a socially-conscious practice and have an ambitious but realistic goal in mind.”
This grant is in correlation to the monthly dance party at Trophy Bar — called Clump. At the end of each party $20 is handed to each of the DJs and the rest is plugged right into the grant. So — the drunker you get the more money the chosen radical diva will receive. Intoxication has now become somewhat of a charitable activity.
The 2nd recipient of this grant will be announced on October 12th, 2013 at Clump.
For more information on the grant or to apply for the grant (before October 5th) please click here.
Please come and show your support at the next Clump party, as previously stated, the more you drink; the more money the deserving artist will receive. The final Clump before the grant winner is announced is Clump: Storm, see details below.