The Wedding Heard ‘Round The World

The story of America’s first legal same-sex marriage in 1971

The Wedding Heard ‘Round the World is the true story of America’s first legal same-sex marriage in 1971. The book is a fascinating look at gay life in the midwest during the 1960s and 70s, with two prominent gay activists as our narrators. Throughout the book we follow Michael McConnell and Jack Baker as they struggle with coming out to their families, holding a job, and ultimately sanctifying their love through marriage.


While the book is certainly a bit homonormative, the story is too important to dismiss. This couple blazed the trail for queers of all kinds in this country. Jack was the first openly gay student body president of a university, winning with a campaign poster that featured him wearing a pair of high heels. He attended law school to specifically learn the loopholes of the Minnesota state legal system and assure that he and Michael could get married. Once officials saw what they were trying to do, they took action. Jack went on to bring his and Michael’s contested marriage all the way up to the Supreme Court where he ultimately lost and was then refused an appeal. It was this case, Baker v. Nelson, that the Court overruled in June 2015 when same-sex marriage was finally legalized.


At the same time their marriage was being disputed, Michael was rejected from a position he had been promised. Never one to shy away from public controversy, Michael fought his job discrimination case through the court system up to the Supreme Court, but it was never brought to trial. In the meantime, he helped found Gay House, one of the first LGBT community centers in the country.


Admittedly conventional, Michael is also self-aware and throughout the book he explains his and Jack’s choice of traditional marriage. He enjoys the idea of creating a life with someone he loves and only ever wanted gay people to gain the legal and financial benefits of marriage. He was never interested in judging others’ life choices or putting anyone into a box.


These two men have helped issues such as workplace discrimination and gay marriage come to the forefront of American politics. If the book sometimes reads as an embarrassing dad talking about sex, it’s because Michael and Jack have rightfully earned their place as our forefathers to embarrass us as much as they’d like. The Wedding Heard ‘Round the World is ultimately a sweet love story, wrapped in a lesson of our past. Regardless of where you stand on the matter of marriage, it’s a subject that affects every single person in the queer community and it’s vital that all of us know our history.


The Wedding Heard ‘Round the World by Michael McConnell and Jack Baker