Tuesday 03.29.16
Daybreaker presents DUSK #2 Inside Willy Wonka’s Head
A positive love/dance-fest that is booze free

Our friend Beatrice has been going to this Daybreaker party for some time now. She’s asked me to come a couple of times, the only problem is they start at 6:00AM, which is not an hour I will ever get up at unless I’m going to the airport or running from a burning building. This week, on March 29th, the party is switching shit up and taking place in the early evening. If you’re unfamiliar with the Daybreaker concept, it’s basically a positive love/dance-fest that is booze free — it’s a dance party for people who care more about dancing than partying. Which means you probably get a lot of self-righteous health nuts, but hey, people who don’t drink (for whatever reason) should still have a place they can comfortably go to to let their hair down. This city is tailor-made for lushes (which is why we love it so much) but that doesn’t mean everyone else should have to suffer. Put on your dancing shoes, grab a green juice and get lit, naturally.
$35-$45, 6:30pm, The Gilded Lily, 408 W 15th St. New York, NY. …

The Dauphine of Bushwick X Wise Men: Music by Mister Wallace and Chris of Hur! Drag show debut by Dusty Shoulders! Hosted by Birthday Lady and Tea Set Winner Liliana Dirks-Goodman!
Wednesday 03.16.16
Hot Fruit x Drag Race with Special guest Thorgy Thor
The party takes place every Monday at Metropolitan Bar — With Kelsey Dagger, Glam or Stephanie, Wiley Gaby (Goldenchild) and more
Saturday 03.12.16
Prince vs. Michael Party
A costumes encouraged evening at One Last Shag

Three words. Charity. Dance. Party. Need I say more? If you aren’t interested in dancing for a cause well then, shit, you and all the other New York narcissists (which is actually nearly everyone) can see yourself out elsewhere. This is for a great cause, so bring your best energy only.
Orchestrated by a long time admirer of Heights and Hills — a Brooklyn non-profit that supports older adults, helping them age with dignity and on their own terms — comes a costumes encouraged dance party hosted by Delirious at One Last Shag. The party will include a five-hour set by “DJ Stylus, celebrating not just Prince and Michael Jackson but the vast funk and pop grooves they spawned. From dub spin-offs of MJ’s classics to the vintage naughtiness of Vanity (RIP) and other Prince proteges, Stylus will be keeping it tight and danceable.” Sounds right. I’m pretty sure every time I hear P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson once my drinks are flowing I low-key lose my shit. Have I type-casted myself? Maybe. Do I care? No, because he made music for dancing, so a party spinning only Prince and the king of Pop himself just sounds correct.
“Plus there will be an opportunity to bid on prizes like: A roundtrip Virgin America ticket (includes Hawaii & Mexico), three $100 gift certificates at Three Kings Tattoo, a one-hour massage at Massage Williamsburg, a color and blowout at Hale Organic Salon, a free tour and 10 drink tickets at Brooklyn Brewery, and a handmade Spirit Eye plate from Demetria Chappo ceramics.” …

Wednesday 03.02.16
The Dauphine of Bushwick X Wise Men: Oscar Viewing Party & Leap Year Rage with Co-host Hamm Samwich and Music by Horrorchata and Brent Coover! Tea set winner Aduni Gro!