Wednesday 05.24.17
Long Beach Pride 2017
Ranked #25 on The Advocate’s list of America’s Queerest Cities, Long Beach offers a more laid-back approach to pride’s rambunctious activities. Where as the West Hollywood Pride March provides headlining acts, like Charli XCX and Carly Rae Jepsen, Long Beach’s celebration takes you along the Pacific and toward the desired booze stations, disco tent and other super gay-fun.
Monday 05.22.17
Bubble_T Part. 2
Saturday 05.13.17
Presented by The Dauphine of Bushwick and Wise Men with music by Maya Mones and Boy Georgia. Plus, performances by The Dauphine and Claudia Cliffer. Special Guest host Charlene and Birthday BB Ross Leonardy!
Tuesday 04.11.17
SLATHER FACTORY at Mmhmmm, The Standard, Hollywood (3.24.17)
With Edward Vigiletti, Love Bailey, Bashir Naim, Alanna Pearl, Simon Seapony, B.J. Dini, Jon Vaz Gar and many others
Tuesday 03.28.17
Mouthfeel Magazine Issue 3 Release Party
The party was hosted by Stumptown - with beers from Sixpoint and burgers and fries from Shake Shack!
Saturday 03.11.17
The Dauphine of Bushwick X Wise Men blowout "CONTEMPORARY DRAG" with NADA X Print All Over Me, PERADAM & EAI, Curated by Gordon Robichaux. Theda Hammel and The Dauphine in Conversation, with performances by Matt Savitsky, Merrie Cherry, Patti Spliff, and The Dauphine!
Tuesday 03.07.17
The Dauphine of Bushwick X Wise Men: BABY TEA #NotMyPresident 's Day Edition! Music by Merrie Cherry and Zenobia, and Tea Set Winner Amber Venerable!