We met up with Matt Rogers, at the Bowery Hotel in New York City, where the comedian, singer, and Las Culturistas co-host was staying, while in town to perform his annual musical spectacular Have You Heard of Christmas? Matt was gracious and willing to create some iconic whale tail imagery for this feature and to also answer some probing questions.
What was your first onstage comedy experience? I guess this would be when I hosted my high school talent show, which can’t possibly have been funny but at the time I thought was an absolute barnburner.
Who was the last person to make you laugh? Christine Quinn walked into a room on Selling Sunset and I did laugh.
Who was the last person to make you cry? The Survivor contestants Shan and Liana had a conversation about their bond on the last episode that made me cry.
What is your current favorite YouTube search? “Ramona Singer gets dragged.”
What was the first thing you did this morning? I “morning’d”. Which means I jacked off.
Best piece of advice? My fourth grade teacher Mr. D told me at the end of the year to “have more fun.”
Worst piece of advice? My first manager in New York told me to wear pants that were too tight because the casting directors look at your butt when you leave rooms. My pants were already too tight at the time so this can’t have encouraged good choices aesthetically and behaviorally.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Not to harp on butt stuff, but when I lived in New York, I used to have an insane ass from all the walking. I’d like my New York ass back. Personality-wise: nothing. I’m all set, as you can see.
What do you most value in your friends? Easy to be around. Keep it light. Sense of humor and willingness to follow the fun.
How does it feel to wear a thong? It’s not comfortable. In fact, it’s uncomfortable. But I respect it as a creation. And even as art.
What is your current state of mind? I think I am the right amount of anxious where you are positive you’re alive.
What is your motto? I don’t know my words, but I do know my heart.
Matt wears T-shirt and Sweatpants by Calvin Klein, Thong by Rufskin.
Matt wears sweatshirt and pants by CDLP, thong by KVRT STVFF.
Matt wears Tank Top by Calvin Klein, Shorts by Levi’s, Thong by KVRT STVFF.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Probably my podcast with Bowen Yang Las Culturistas and what I think it stands for.
If you could sing a duet with any singer alive or dead who would that be? Bradley Cooper in the same exact “Shallow” scenario as A Star Is Born. In a way he is both dead (as the character, spoiler alert) and alive (as B. Coops).
What’s Grindr like with a famous face? To be clear, I am not “famous” but rather a “gay notable.” That said, I have been reported and kicked off Grindr before because people didn’t think it was really me. To be fair, I was in Tampa when that happened and, like, why would anyone be there?
Name a blond woman you would like to get to know? I bet Gwyneth Paltrow is fun and talks a lot of shit.
New York or L.A? When do we get to the point where it’s death penalty for this question?
Hotel or Airbnb? Hotel. Every Airbnb has, like, no kitchen.
Cash or credit? Credit. Cash is nasty and dirty.
Yes or no? Yes. But only because I trained as an improviser and have trauma.
You’re stuck in an elevator with one: Gaga’s character in A Star is Born or Gaga in House of Gucci? Well, I would like to ask Ally Maine where she got that belt in the “Shallow” scene, like, with the chain on it? Not because I want the belt. Just, I’m curious where it’s from. Probably Hot Topic. I just want to confirm that.
Give me your opening line as a guest judge on RPDR? I would trust the incredibly talented writers of RPDR to gift me with one of their comedic gems and I would deliver it with gusto. I’m not going to pretend I can write better than the best.
Favorite person to perform with? Henry Koperski, my friend and musical director.
Where to next? On the road all over the country performing my annual Christmas show, Have You Heard of Christmas? alongside Henry Koperski, my friend and musical director.
Matt wears Jacket and Jeans by Calvin Klein, Thong by KVRT STVFF.
Matt Rogers photographed in New York, New York. October 2021.
This story was printed in GAYLETTER Issue 15, get a copy here.