Issue 11

CONTRIBUTORS: Tyler Akers, Pol Anglada, Steven Arnold, Elias Baez, Bruce Benderson, Peter Berlin, Lia Clay, Vincent Dilio, Katt Fox, Matt Grubb, Stephen Kent Johnson, Charlie Le Mindu, Eric McArthur, Steven Menendez, Duane Michales, Slava Mogutin, Silvia Prada, Daniel Rampulla, Chris Stewart, Richie Talboy, Daniel Trese, Gerardo Vizmanos, Brian Vu

Jonathan Anderson | Photography by Daniel Rampulla | Text by Tom Jackson

Pol Anglada | Text by Tyler Akers | Drawings by Pol Anglada

Physique Classique | Photography by Richie Talboy | Prop Styling by Lauren Bahr

Julio Torres | Photography by Brian Vu | Set Design by Tyler Akers | Interview by Tom Jackson

Sam Morris | Photography by Gerardo Vizmanos | Interview by Michael Morris

Hairography | Hair by Charlie Le Mindu | Photography by Vincent Dilio

Love Bites | Photography by Matt Grubb

Nash Glynn | Text by Chris Stewart | Portraits by Lia Clay

Peter Berlin | Text by Bruce Benderson | Photography by Peter Berlin

Notes on Denim | Photography by Slava Mogutin | Text by Silvia Prada

The Phallus Palace | Photography by Stephen Kent Johnson | Interior Styling by Michael Reynolds | Interview by Julian Kroll

Steven Arnold | Text by Tyler Akers | Photography by Steven Arnold

Duane Michals | Portraits by Daniel Trese | Photography by Duane Michals | Interview by Tom Jackson

Tegan and Sara | Photography by Katt Fox | Interview by Elias Baez

West Dakota and Parker Kit Hill | Photography by Daniel Rampulla

Jonathan Anderson | Photography by Daniel Rampulla