Issue 4

Contributors: Campbell Addy, Alvin Baltrop, Ricky Cohete, Vincent Dilio, Hal Fischer, Kostis Fokas, Slava Mogutin, Daniel Marin Medina,Lauren Mortimer, Daniel Nicoletta, Daniel Rampulla, Jacob Sousa, Cyle Suesz, Gerardo Vizmanos, Devin Wallace, Chad M. Weaver, Zena Zipora, Austin Dale, Drew Harper,Landon Gray Mitchell, Leo Racicot, Eric Torres and more

Specs & Pecs | Photography by Vincent Dilio

Alvin Baltrop | Text by Chris Stewart & Photography by Alvin Baltrop

Kostis Fokas | Photography by Kostis Fokas

The Tea Party | Photography by Gerardo Vizmanos

In Pink | Photography by Vincent Dilio, Styling by Christopher Rao & Hair by Best Barber NYC

Baby Morocco | Photography by Campbell Addy

Come on, Barbie! | Photography by Ricky Cohete

Khader Abu-Seif | Text by Drew Harper & Photography by Zena Zipora

PWR BTTM | Text by Eric Torres & Photography by Cyle Suesz

Josh Thomas | Text by Tom Jackson & Photography by Jacob Sousa

Edmund White | Text and Photography by Slava Mogutin